Ted Cruz: Smarts and Character

I wrote this in response to a Facebook post that was disparaging primarily of President Trump, but also dumped on Senator Cruz.

…During the Obama administration, Cruz was the outsider (even to Republicans), the one that the establishment in Washington despised and repeatedly tried to discredit. They failed, because (a) Ted just kept doing what he promised to do when we elected him, and (b) he’s smarter than most of them.

I think Trump is a lot more savvy, strategically, that most of them, too. Not necessarily smarter, but a more ferocious political animal. Which serves him pretty well as president, but still leaves a nasty stench on him as a man.

Trump showed his true stripes, character-wise, in how he treated and publicly dishonored and insulted his political opponents (and in Ted’s case, their wives!) Trump’s lack of shame was disgusting.

Cruz also showed his true stripes in the same way, and I REALLY respect him for it. He took the high road almost every time, even when I personally was spoiling for him to fight fire with fire. That he is able to support the president now is both surprising and impressive, if you really pay attention.

I believe Ted Cruz deserves to win November’s election by a wide margin, and I hope that Texans are both smart and informed enough to give him that victory.

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