Inspired by… Sickness???

Sometimes I wonder just what the drivers are behind creative “inspiration.” For some reason, a little over a week ago I got the idea to do a spoof song based on “Since You Been Gone” by Rainbow; a classic rock tune that I’ve listened to and enjoyed countless times over the past few decades.

But now suddenly I just have to write a spoof based on it. Why? Why now? And why do I feel so compelled to write this spoof?

You see, most of my Weird Al-ish songs are driven by my daily experiences; my faith and church, my job and career, my family and friends, etc. But not this one. Unless it was during those late teenage years when I practiced a somewhat regular state of alternate consciousness (let the reader understand), I don’t think I’ve ever once encountered the “inspiration” for this spoof — namely, a woman who undergoes a sex change, thereby breaking the singer’s, um, heart. I’ve seen a show or two on Discovery Health on the subject, but I think that’s about it, and even that was probably a couple of years ago.

So for reasons that are at this time utterly concealed from my own understanding, I present the first rough mix of “Since You Been John.” I don’t know why, but I love it. It cracks me up to sing it, to play it, to hear it, to think about it. I really relish the thought of working on it more and improving it.

So just what illness is driving me this past week?!

Enjoy, (I guess…!): Since You Been John

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