Category Archives: Family
Our Hurricane Story, Ch. 3
Word from neighbors who stayed behind in Friendswood is that our neighborhood came through Rita just fine. Some wind damage to fences, but no visible damage to the house itself. Hooray! Power is curently out, but it sounds like CenterPoint … Continue reading
Our Hurricane Story, Ch. 2
Sure ’nuff, we’re in Portland, TX with friends. Portland is a suburb of Corpus Christi. Our friends have 4 kids at home, including 7 year-old triplet boys, so as you might imagine, it’s a bit no the frenetic side! But … Continue reading
Our Hurricane Story, Ch. 1
Well, we get to experience our first hurricane! Or more correctly, we get to NOT experience our first hurricane, as we are not going to hang around to see just how nasty Rita can be. We’ll evacuate to parts unknown … Continue reading
A Man/Child Milestone
2005 has been mostly uneventful thus far, which is actually a nice change of pace. This past week Patrick turned 18. It’s official: we are old. ;) We’re wrestling mightily with getting my Mom moved into an assisted living facility. … Continue reading